Our Team
Saruchi Rana : (Project Manager)
“I am Saruchi Rana. I have done MSc in Zoology, B.Ed. The purpose of joining this Foundation is just to contribute a little to the upliftment of society. From the beginning, I had a great love for nature and according to me every bit of nature provides us with basic amenities to survive. Everything in nature is giving us a way to live. It’s our duty to protect this world. For fulfilling that and for the improvement of society sometimes we need a platform and Ks Kalyan Foundation is that platform through which we can give our few parts for the betterment of society. So, my purpose of being a part of the Ks Kalyan Foundation is to give a fragment to boost the world with the bantam of my efforts. It’s my thought that if we are not doing anything to our society, then life is worthless as this society and the whole world are fulfilling our demands.”
Sahil Rana: (Project coordinator :
“ मैं अभी तक अपनी ज़िन्दगी में कुछ खास नहीं कर सका। अब तक मुझे अपनी ज़िन्दगी बहुत आसान लग ती थी। स्कूल से ले कर कॉलेज तक का सफर बहुत मज़े में गुज़रा मगर अब समझ आता है की असलियत में ज़िन्दगी उतनी आसान नहीं जितनी बाहर से देखने में लगती है। हम अपनी ज़िन्दगी में एक ऐसी दौड़ में भाग रहे है जो कब खतम होगी ये हम खुद भी नहीं जानते, मगर फिर भी उस दौड़ को हर कोई जीतना चाहता है। मुझे इस संस्था के बारे में मेरे एक दोस्त से पता चला, उसके कहने पर मैं इस संस्था के साथ जुड़ा। मैं अपनी ज़िन्दगी के लक्ष्य को ले कर अब भी थोड़ा उलझा हुआ हूँ मगर यहाँ आकर मुझे यह बात समझ आई के हर व्यक्ति में एक गुण जरूर होता है, अगर हम वो गुण ढूंढ ले तो हमे ज़िन्दगी की दौड़ और भीड़ में चलने के बिच का अं तर समझ आएगा। इसके साथ ही मैं इस संस्था के साथ जुड़ कर बूढ़े-बुज़ुर्गों के लिए कुछ करना चाहता हूँ। “
Ankush Sharma( IT coordinator )
” Ankush Sharma this side from Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. I think that every person has a unique and special ability. Even If not they have changes to develop those abilities, as I did. I’m good with computers. I want to teach these techniques and want to spread this knowledge to those people who have the urge to learn something. I think that if we are educating someone we are not only educating an individual. We are educating the whole generation. It’s like a network. I’m so glad to work for society and spend some of my time working for society. I am thankful to KS Kalyan Foundation for giving me such a nice opportunity to pursue what I always wanted to do. ”
Shashank Dixit ( Self-defense trainer)
“I’m Shashank Dixit, a Self-defense trainer, and student of graduation. I am associated with KS KALYAN FOUNDATION since March 2019. And my main objective in joining this foundation is to give self-defense training, especially to girls. A girl plays an important role in our lives. Without her our role is incomplete. That is why I want to make every girl capable to protect herself and enable them to achieve their goals in society and to top it all, the KS KALYAN Foundation and its entire team are working together. I want every girl to be independent and feel safe, and I will continue to do so as long as I can.”
Vaishali Chauhan ( Handicraft Designer )
“I’m Vaishali Chauhan, am pursuing my graduation. My nature has been emotional and compassionate towards others from the beginning, as if seeing someone’s pain, I can actually feel how bad it was. I always wanted to do something for society, but it was a little difficult to do it at such a young age and there was no one to show me the right path. But by joining KS KALYAN FOUNDATION, I realized that we do not need money or someone’s support to help anyone. What we actually need is the right guidance. After joining here, I understood the true meaning of working together as a team, and Now I can easily connect the things I learn while my graduation with the ground-level reality. Here I’ll continue to learn and teach new things in the same way.”
Bipina Rana: (Team coordinator )
” Hello, I’m Bipina Rana from Nepal.
We all have some kind of emotion that always keeps us connected with others and inspires us to help others and this feeling makes us all one. I also wanted to help the needy but I was not getting the right direction to do so, because I thought that we can help others only with money. But after becoming a member of the KS KALYAN Foundation, I realized that money is not the only way to help others. There are numbers of ways to help others. The only thing we need is a good intention. – Bipina Rana (Nepal )
Our volunteer
Hardeep kaur ( Volunteer)
Hello Readers, I’m Hardeep Kaur, a post-graduation student. I belong to a small village where people deprived of a lot of knowledgeable things which is very important to know in life and India has many more villages same like this. We are in the era where everyone wants to earn money for themselves and it becomes their goal but I think that earning money is not the only goal of life. When you think for others, when you start working for others, when you actually work on the ground level and face various challenges that are the only thing which money will never teach. It might be a small step for us but for someone our one hand help can be their shelter. I get to know about this foundation through one of my friend. I think it is the right platform and my first experience while working here is actually very nice. So I keep contributing to society through this foundation as much as possible.
Gagandeep Kaur: (Volunteer)
“Hello, I’m Gagandeep Kaur, am pursuing my Post-graduation in fine art. Art is my passion. I have an interest in learning and teaching art. I love helping others but I didn’t find the right way to help others. Then I get in touch with the KS KALYAN foundation to help the needy. I’m so glad to work for society and spend some of my time working for society. I am thankful to KS Kalyan Foundation for giving me such a nice opportunity to pursue what I always wanted to do.”
Anuradha: (Volunteer)
हम सभी अपनी पूरी ज़िन्दगी में कुछ लोगो को ऐसा काम करते हुए देखते है जो की गलत होता है और यह जानते हुए भी हम उन्हें नहीं रोकते। जिसका कारण शायद कहीं न कहीं भय है। हम पहले यह चाहते है की सामने वाला खुद अपने लिए खड़ा हो पर तब तक हम खुली आँखों से अंधे बन जाते है और अपनी आँखों से देखे हुए अपराध को भी नज़र अंदाज़ कर देते है। मेरा यह सवाल है की हम सभी उस समय यह क्यों भूल जाते है की जितना गलत अपराध करना और सहना है उतना ही गलत उसे देख कर नज़र अंदाज़ करना भी है। ऐसा कर हम भी उस गलती के भागीदार बन जाते है। मैं शुरू से ऐसे लोगो की मदद के लिए कुछ करना चाहती थी । मेरा मानना है की अगर मेरी मदद से मैं किसी एक इंसान की भी ज़िन्दगी बेहतर कर सकी तो कहीं न कहीं उसकी आगे आने वाली पीढ़िया भी सुधर जाएँगी और ये मेरे लिए बहुत बड़ी बात होगी। मैं दिल से ऐसे लोगो के लिए कुछ करना चाहती थी और यह मौका मुझे KS KALYAN FOUNDATION के साथ काम कर के मिला।
Karamjit Singh: (Volunteer)
” I’m Karamjit Singh resident of Punjab and I had a heartfelt desire to do something for my country. I think that circumstances in life are uncertain and along with those circumstances, the goal of our life and the environment around us also changes. But what we need is to build ourselves. If we stay stuck in the past then we will be left behind by the rest. What we need is to mold ourselves according to those circumstances and came back on the right track. I also want to do something like that. I believe that the progress of any country depends on the youth of that country. I want to motivate them to stay away from bad habits and to walk on the right path in life.”
Vikas Saini: (Volunteer)
My name is Vikas Saini. I want to become a writer and I think it’s our environment that inspires us to write or in other words, the things that we feel are expressed in our words. but it melts my heart when I look at those kids who are collecting garbage and working as labor on Bhatta. I want to change their situation and want to provide them the right guidance and education. Even they are not responsible for their situation and circumstances. They too are helpless in front of their financial condition. This is the thing which I want to change with the help of KS KALYAN FOUNDATION.
Megha Rawat : ( Volunteer)
I’m Megha Rawat, from Dera Bassi. I’m pursuing my graduation.
I decided to work as a volunteer because I believed that it will help to make a positive contribution toward the growth and development of society. And when you have a good intention, Then working with an NGO like KS KALYAN FOUNDATION makes your goal even easier. working here in a team has not only instilled in me the qualities of a good leader but I have also learned to fulfill my dreams. – Megha Rawat ( Dera Bassi)